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How Remedo Healthcare Connected Doctors and Their Patients?

Remedo is a telemedicine startup that has a physical + digital...

Preventive Healthcare: A look at the $100 Billion market

Preventive healthcare, or preventive medical care, includes measures to prevent exposure...

Phable: Making Medical Care Autonomous and Predictive for Chronic...

I was searching for an app that would help my mother...

How is Habbit Health & Nutrition Applying Modern Science...

The food and nutrition industry is constantly evolving along with consumer...

2021: The Year of the Travel Reset

Travel trends change, return and repeat almost every year. 2021, however,...

MediBuddy Docs App: Transforming the Health Insurance Industry in...

During the pandemic, economies across the globe realised the importance of...

IVF Access: Making Assisted Reproductive Techniques a Disruptive Innovation

If India is worried about its growing population, then the problem...

Disruptive Nutrition Start-ups, Changing The Way You Will Look...

The conversation around health has moved beyond exercise and diet plans,...

Ease of Doing Business: How will the Pharma Industry...

In order to facilitate trade in the country, the government is...