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Ashwini Asokan: Making People All Over the Globe AI...

When one talks about AI and tech start-ups, we imagine an...

HealthPlix: Assisting Hospitals,Doctors,Clinics, and Dissecting Vernacular

The inadequacy of chronic healthcare in India was revealed to Raghuraj...

How Does ServiceNow Drive Innovation?

ServiceNow is an American software company that produces cloud computing programs...

1mg: Bringing AI in India’s healthcare industry

As the world continues to grapple with coronavirus, it has highlighted...

Know What You Are Breathing: The Ambee Innovation

Environment intelligence is a new sector of research and enterprise in...

India: New Product Development in Agritech

When we think of technology, we think of robots, automation, artificial...

What is Coming in Enterprise Technology?

COVID-19 Pandemic blew many industries out of the water. For instance,...

Semiconductors are back, especially in AI and 5G

Semiconductor applications especially in AI and 5G witnessed unprecedented growth due...

What should D2C startups look out at 2021 on...

D2C Brands Are Leveraging Technology To Acquire Customers As we draw curtains...