While even a decade ago, the scenario of robotics would sound like the figment of a sci-fi writer’s colourful imagination, but today, it is our reality. The advent of superlative technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI), and robotics, has caused us to make significant strides in the robotics sector. We are now at the cusp of a revolution through which robots will give us complete freedom from laborious, mundane tasks and even they are doing the tasks beyond human capabilities. Building these technologies is our speaker for MentorED, Dr. Munish Jindal. MentorED is our weekly live 45-minute workshop where industry veterans share their knowledge and experience and discuss topics that are apt and relevant to the start-up and small business fraternity. Each workshop focuses on entrepreneurship development for ambitious entrepreneurs, small business enthusiasts, founders and small business owners.
Dr. Munish Jindal is the Founder and CEO of HoverRobotix and the Founding President of MENTORx Global. He is awarded and honoured with the highest civilian honour ‘Karmaveer Chakra’ by the United Nations. Born and raised in Ludhiana in an Entrepreneurial family, Dr. Jindal is a PhD in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence from the USA besides having an MBA from University of Technology, Sydney and a CPA – Chartered Accountant from Australia. He launched the concept of Hoverboards, Autoboots and Mobility Robots in India.
At this very moment when we are talking, there are 52 million opportunities available just in the domain of artificial intelligence and who is developing these robots? It is on us humans so all we need to do is learn to learn, continuously learn and unlearn to learn. We just need to develop ourselves so that we can keep on innovating, creating, producing and forcing disruption so that we keep on moving to the next level.
Dr. Munish Jindal thrilled the audience at the initiation of what was a largely informative and illustrative presentation about how ordering a pizza over phone would sound like in the near future, thanks to the rapid strides in artificial intelligence. Although largely portrayed in Hollywood science fiction movies as the wow factor for the audience, it is a reality now as he rightly points out, “It is embedded in our lifestyle and that is how you are going to see that artificial intelligence is in every sphere of our life and how it is transforming our lives.” It needs to be mentioned here that his venture, HoverRobotix is the pioneer of e-mobility in India with hoverboards, autoboots, mobility robots and many more in the list.
“Imagine a camera in your room, the way we get up, the way we walk, the way we move or we exercise, it is taking note of everything and analysing it and letting us know what kind of areas in our body needs improvement. What kind of future events are we going to face so that we can even correct them before we face any kind of disease.” Dr. Jindal shared his encounter with IBM Watson in February 2020 and shared, “We can ask IBM Watson everything it can analyse our personality as well as it has answers to everything. So, this is how we are entering the brave new world of mind matter and computing whereby robots and humans are going to work hand in hand. So, it is not humans versus robots, it’s man with machine synergies. Once volumes of data are fed into these systems, they tend to learn from the environment and in no time produce the desired outcomes.”
Dr. Jindal from his own experience as a pioneer in the robotics space of the country feels that there is a need for a common platform to share awareness about AI in order to ethically, successfully and knowledgeably harness its benefits. He envisions that such a platform will bring the mentors, trainers and educators together and build a bridge with the industry leaders.
While there are speculations that continue to remain about robots posing as threats to human employment in jobs, Dr. Jindal negates such apprehensions,“At this very moment when we are talking, there are 52 million opportunities available just in the domain of artificial intelligence and who is developing these robots? It is on us humans so all we need to do is learn to learn, continuously learn and unlearn to learn. We just need to develop ourselves so that we can keep on innovating, creating, producing and forcing disruption so that we keep on moving to the next level.” Thereafter he shared the curriculum of AI giving examples of popular applications in our smartphones like Facebook, WhatsApp and their own set of data processing techniques. Whether it is just a mouse click or a photo upload, data is continuously being processed and retrieved in systems all within fragments of seconds.
Whenever we face a problem our first reaction is why does not someone do something regarding this problem? Any problem you face is the next unicorn idea. Whenever you face a problem, if you want to solve it is going to be the next silicon idea in your hand.
Audience Asks
What are some basic requirements to bring AI into an already established business?
You need to understand what exactly you want to do, what processes you want to automate. Certain times it does not even require much. We people feel that okay to automate their processes they may require huge investments or they might need to bring the new systems. No, it’s not that you just have to check out what processes you want to automate. Accordingly, you can develop the software or required hardware and the processes can be streamlined into established business. The best part is artificial intelligence is becoming very affordable and it can be used in any sphere in every sphere of establishment business as well as upcoming start-ups as well.

“Whenever we face a problem, our first reaction is why does not someone do something regarding this problem? Any problem you face is the next unicorn idea. Whenever you face a problem, if you want to solve it is going to be the next silicon idea in your hand.” As the mentor rightly points out, it is that one idea that is essential to fill the void and make the difference. He urges everyone to embrace technology to decode the future of a beautiful world.