Chayanika Sen

Over a decade of experience in Corporate Communication Chayanika writes on Human Resources, Recruitment, Marketing, Employer Branding and Thought Leadership.

How Investors Read Your Financial Statements, And Why Should...

Starting up a business is not easy. And with limited resources...

What to learn from the financial statements of your...

It’s great that you want to grow your business. But how...

How the Best Pricing and Costing Practices Can Help...

Unit economics is a term that is loosely used a lot,...

Newly Minted Start-up Unicorns in a Hiring Spree

While the world is going through a pandemic and the second...

How Do Small Businesses Recruit?

Small businesses have to compete with large enterprises on many fronts....

What Is Proof of Concept?

Would you invest in anything without ensuring that there will be...

Ready to Scale: Growth Marketing Explained

Do you know that India is at number three in creating...

The Toughest Question During Ideation: What Product You Want...

Ideation is the most vital part of any business. It is...

What do Start-ups Need to Do Right to Gain...

The biggest challenge for any start-up is to make sales. No...