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Apna, Helping Millions of blue and Gray-Collar Workers

If you’ve been on LinkedIn, you’ll know that it’s a very...

5 key points for a start-up to handle recruiting...

Recruiting efforts and hiring always puts start-ups in a fix. While...

Kerala Start-up Mission’s Zappyhire Speeds up Hiring

Zappyhire provides an AI Talent Acquisition Suite which quickens the job...

How to Build a Recruitment Process to Hire Top...

A company is called unique when it has an exceptional idea...

Decoding Start-up Unicorns and the Pace of Recruitment in...

The COVID-19 pandemic and the global lockdown have led to mass...

Which Unicorns Are To Hire In 2021?

New startups which touched the benchmark of becoming unicorns in 2020...

Hiring Bias: A dangerous trap In The Hiring Process

Sudha is a qualified engineer with a B-school degree. Sudha worked...

Recruitment Strategy: How to hire the Best Candidate

The very nature of hiring and recruitment has changed over the...