Phable: Making Medical Care Autonomous and Predictive for Chronic Ailments

Phable, a healthcare startup that has become the go-to platform for managing and tracking health


I was searching for an app that would help my mother track her diabetes when I came across Phable, a healthcare startup based in Bengaluru that aims to provide daily care to patients with chronic health conditions. They also aim at building India’s first complete care ecosystem.

The UI being smooth and simple, navigating through it was a breeze even for my not-so-tech-savvy mother. While I was updating her information on the app, I noticed how it is the only healthcare app she needs on her smartphone.

Phable integrates easily with fitness and tracking devices

I had gifted my mother a fitness tracker to track her steps and ensure that she is active throughout the day. Her fitness tracker got easily synced with Phable and tracking all her health parameters became easier. Even her glucometer is synced with Phable so she can monitor her sugar and keep a track of it.

When you have a chronic ailment like diabetes, tracking your health is non-negotiable. Rather than having to install several apps on my mother’s phone to track different parameters, I simply had to install Phable which tracked her steps, heart rate, temperature and glucose levels.

Phable has insightful suggestions and reminders

Most people forget to take their medicines while running on the clock or being submerged in work. For people diagnosed with chronic ailments, forgetting to take medicines may have unexpected consequences. For my mother, I have simply set an alarm for her medicines on Phable so even if I’m out, I know the app has got her covered. Along with setting reminders, I have also set health goals for her like walking 5000 steps every day. Seeing your goals in front of you compels you to achieve them rather than keeping them on the back burner.

Managing the disease

Chronic ailments, if managed properly, may not require serious, episodic treatments. Several data points that are tracked and monitored by Phable, according to the disease-specific guidelines, provide my mother’s doctor better insights into her health. Suggestions regarding lifestyle changes can be made easily by the doctor when they have the data available. I have my mother’s doctor also on Phable so I don’t have to worry about keeping a track of her health papers and reports. Her perceptions and reports are easily managed in the app.

What’s in it for us?

Phable has become an all-inclusive healthcare app with its AI health assistance and continuous monitoring. What sets it apart from the competition is how it can be the go-to app for literally anything regarding health. Want to order medicines? Talk to the doctor? Monitor and track your health? Set health goals? You can do it all on Phable. Startups should focus on covering as many needs of the consumer as possible like Phable to be the go-to platform in their industry.



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