ARTPARK Innovation Program Explained

ARTPARK Innovation Program, empowering tech-savvy startups and boosting AI & Robotics sector in India.


What is ARTPARK Innovation Program?

ARTPARK Innovation Program is launched by Bangalore-based non-profit organisation, AI & Robotics Technology Park (ARTPARK), offering technological solutions to social problems in India.

Top notch universities usually fail in converting their academic research into market-ready products and services. ARTPARK aims to bridge this transitional gap between innovations developed in top and renowned universities and deploy those technological innovations to tackle issues in India.

The programme also has a mission to support innovative ideas, help to productize innovation, get external benefactors for the organisations who expertise in product designing, selling and marketing. It will also provide the startups with investors for seed funding to get them started.

What Does it Plan to do?

The programme is planning to grow the AI & Robotics innovation ecosystem in India by creating or working with existing startups. The programme has aligned with the $100 million venture fund for supporting startups in the artificial intelligence and robotics sector.

It also plans to uplift the healthcare, education, mobility, infrastructure, agriculture, retail and cyber-security problems in India and globally. The programme will also facilitate students and professionals with a proper training in advancing their skills and knowledge regarding this sector. It will also develop products like:

  • DataSetu– Creating a data sharing ecosystem and marketplace that will boost the AI applications and solutions.
  • BhashaSetu– Enabling Indic language translation to expand the participation level in the economic growth of the country, regardless of languages.
  • Avtaar Robotics– Allowing emotive robotic nurses to transport healthcare professionals’ skills across the globe.
  • Akashmarg– Roads in the sky, like Drone Skyways, for autonomous drones.

Along with the technology-led economic growth and innovation in the startup ecosystem in India, the programme plans to aid the vision of Atmanirbhar Bharat.


Along with the technology-led economic growth and innovation in the startup ecosystem in India, the programme plans to aid the vision of Atmanirbhar Bharat.

Why Was This Programme Started?

The ARTPARK Innovation Program was launched with the purpose of extending their support to the startups in the AI & Robotics sector. Preparing these startups for future unicorn businesses, ARTPARK aims to help the startups to take up more risks and challenges.

With the clear vision of uplifting Indian societal problems, the programme is also creating inclusive and sustainable development in the country. Through this programme, the top universities will be able to market their innovations in a proper way to the general public in India. The programme also makes AI & Robotics more accessible to a larger population.

Who Will It Benefit?

This programme is helping some interesting companies in this sector such as Vishwa Swarm, Astrome, Karmalife, Ten3t Healthcare and Playment. It already selected six startups incubated in universities for the first batch of AIPs. The programme will help such tech-savvy startups to emerge as future unicorn startups in India in the technology sector.

ARTPARK Innovation Program Categories

Under AIP, four major programmes are designed:


A starting-up programme for young minds, encouraging them to spark their entrepreneurship skills. It is for 6 months with an aim of training them to be part of early founding teams in ARTPARK or mission projects.


An incubation programme for 6-18 months for AI & Robotics startups. Igniting their innovation by enabling them with data, domain, expertise and research along with providing capital for their startups.


Encouraging and supporting young AI & Robotics startups by funding them to kick start their ideas.


Extending support to the existing companies to join ARTPARK mission projects without any equity investment.

How Will AIP Benefit Tech-Startups, Especially AI & Robotics Sector?

The AI Focused and Robotics startups will be used to solve societal problems. The programme enables the AI & Robotics tools and technologies that can bring growth to the developing world. With the help of this programme, AI & Robotics solutions built in India can become robust solutions at a global level.



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