Smruthi Krishnan

Smruthi interviews and writes on inspiring entrepreneurs and the success stories of start-ups. She is currently pursuing Economics major from Delhi University.

Variable Cost in Business and Entrepreneurship

Total expenditures incurred in production include costs to purchase factor inputs...

Digital Infrastructure: Key to Entrepreneurial Success

As generations pass by, the world evolves and transforms in more...

How does the Government Regulate Drug Pricing?

Regulation of drug prices is a very important aspect when it...

An Insight into Real Estate

Real estate is a part of your property that consists of...

Can the Government Control COVID Vaccine Prices via the...

As the pandemic continues to rage on in India, with cases...

What is the Internal Rate of Return in Finance...

Internal Rate of Return has been used as a tool of...

Strategising Business Strategies for Successful Entrepreneurs

Whether you are a small-scale entrepreneur or a start-up founder, business...

Analysing Viewership Revenue of IPL: How will 2021 fare?

The IPL is one of the most-attended cricket leagues in the...

Return on Investment: What Entrepreneurs Must Know

Return on Investments, Internal Rate of Return, Net Present Value and...