Kiran Kennedy

Kiran was former staff at Dutch Uncles. He writes on entrepreneurship, business life cycle, small businesses and Indian startups.

Agtech Start-ups: How You Can Benefit from the Incubation...

The Current Scenario in the Agtech Sector Agtech start-ups are a rapidly...

Why is Facility Location Planning Important?

When you go to the beach on a crowded day, you...

How Conflict Management Can Benefit You

It is true what science says about human behaviour - when...

Video Marketing Done Right: The Window to The Audience’s...

Who doesn’t love a good movie, or like to watch a...

How to Craft the Perfect Vision Statement

You’re sitting across from the interviewer and out of nowhere they...

Influencer Marketing: Building a Partnership for The Future

You are more inclined to believe something your friend says than...

Upskilling: Embracing Evolution for Industrial Revolution

The first time you do an internship at a company you...

Digital Transformation: Reshaping Your Business

You have most likely heard of the term ‘digital transformation’, but interestingly...

Expos and What You Need to Know: The Art...

Some of the best marketing and advertising happens in person, and...