DU Desk

Stories from DU Desk are the collective efforts of our in-house authors, guest authors and subject matter experts who collate and distill their ideas and thoughts to bring out actionable insights for our readers.

Is Hybrid Model of Online and Offline the Future...

The Hybrid Work Model: Changed Work Dynamics in the time of...

Startups join India’s fight against a ravaging second wave...

From logistic support to crowdfunding, Indian start-ups are coming together to...

What are the Important Elements of the Startup Ecosystem?

The word ‘startup’ is scarcely used without the word ‘ecosystem’ and...

How Can Small Businesses Attract and Retain Employees?

Did you know that around 70% of small businesses struggle to...

Work from Home: Business Benefits and the Pitfalls

Work from home is the “new normal” in the post-pandemic world,...

Keventers: Ending the Quest for the Best

Gone are the days where you sat in an ice-cream shop...

Zeni: Powering High Velocity Decision Making for Start-ups and...

How does the proposition of a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for...

Juicy Chemistry: Putting Nature back in Natural

Cosmetics have become an ever-increasing part of the day-to-day lifestyle for...

How Persainjit Singh is Revolutionising Edtech and Learning

Not many can claim that they knew what they wanted with...