Chayanika Sen

Over a decade of experience in Corporate Communication Chayanika writes on Human Resources, Recruitment, Marketing, Employer Branding and Thought Leadership.

Decoding Start-up Unicorns and the Pace of Recruitment in...

The COVID-19 pandemic and the global lockdown have led to mass...

Big Brands Built on Failure: From Business Disaster to...

Are you frustrated because the idea you had been working on...

Self-financing: What Can Be The Potential Sources of Capital...

Rohit wants to start his own restaurant business. He has some...

How to create a growth marketing framework to grow...

If you’re in the scale-up stage of your business, you might...

India: New Product Development in Agritech

When we think of technology, we think of robots, automation, artificial...

What is Industrial Transformation and How is it Changing...

As we know, the retail business is all about how consumers...

Realty Check: Office or Work from Home

We are almost a year now into one of the biggest...

Is Professional Employer Organisation (PEO) a Smart Investment for...

Starting up a new business is no easy job! From building...

Best Practices for Talent Building in a Young Company

Scene 1  The CHRO in Akhil’s new start-up just put down his...